6 Day Weight Loss


We all know that obesity is on the rise, it’s risen in the past 25 years in fact it has trebled. Doctors say the condition is reaching epidemic proportions.

It is now considered that a person with a high degree of fat and/or if they are overweight it puts them under the heading that says “obesity” experts (love that word) it is responsible for more ill health than smoking (I guess that’s quite surprising). I will list a few of the health challenges – we don’t like to call them problems – that being overweight can pose

  • High blood pressure.
  • Insomnia.
  • Body odour (due to excess sweating and bad bacteria )
  • Diabetes.
  • Infertility.
  • Indigestion.
  • Snoring
  • Gallstones (look at our 7 day liver cleanse )
  • Joint pains
  • Constipation (see colonic irrigation)
  • Bad breath (due to poor digestion) Visit our Emmi-dent Store for how to keep your oral cavities bacteria free.

So join us for a 6 day feast on health. Forgive the pun, but what have you got to lose?


I also teach rebounding (mini trampolining) it’s so much fun, most clients go on to using them at home.
Frequently Asked Questions

How many days?
The retreat takes place over 6 Days.

With over 41 years in practice and treating various health conditions, some of which were related to overweight challenges, I’m fully aware that 6 days is not enough, but at least we can get the ball rolling. In life we start where we begin… It is said that if you take just one step towards your goal – it takes one thousand back towards you. It might be mindless information, I like it, I think it’s great, apparently it applies to most things.

Here is a note for all my ethnic friends, it is said (not by me I’m just quoting ) that women from Black African groups appear to have the highest prevalence of obesity, and men from Chinese and Bangladesh groups has the lowest, this was based on the most recent data 2004. However research has shown (don’t you just love research) that BMI (body mass index) may have been over estimated and the obesity among Africans under researched.


How will I feel?
“How will I feel while on my weight loss regime” – You will feel rejuvenated, educated and with much more knowledge on how to move forward with your health. We give you 100% of our time, teach and guide you through a system of weight loss that will help you keep the weight off.

Is it just juices?
No it’s not just juices – God gave you teeth so you could chew we do a lot of chewing at Beechcroft Retreats!
You will be savouring delicious well prepared biodynamic/organic foods, cooked and prepared in our non toxic cookware, with herbs, spices and Do-Terra digestible essential oils that are specific to helping you lose weight.

Is exercise involved?
Yes daily exercise along with far infrared sauna sessions, Re-bounding, Walks and Personal Programmes, Yoga and/or Pilates.

Will the results be visual?
We have had some Dramatic weight loss from our clients; once the body is getting the proper nutrition/ hydration and movement it can’t help but lose weight.


Book your place today