
Free PSiO session at Beechcroft Retreat

Free PSiO session at Beechcroft Retreat

Dear Friends and Colleagues of Beechcroft Retreats, I am reaching out to you because I am aware of the impact this separation and lockdown must be having on our general health. Some of you maybe finding it difficult to sleep or indulging more in food, which ordinarily...

What is Kaqun?

What is Kaqun?

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Most of you know about the natural holistic healing work that I've been doing over many years, helping patients to regain their health and advising them on how best to maintain it. Most if not all of you will also know that helping my...

Fundraiser – Help bring Kaqun oxygen baths to the uk

Fundraiser – Help bring Kaqun oxygen baths to the uk My name is Merlée Harris. I am a doctor of Naturopathy with 42 years of practice in the field of natural holistic medicine and therapeutics. This has been the absolute heart and soul of my life. Throughout this long period...

Under-active Thyroid and Weight gain

Under-active Thyroid and Weight gain

People with an under-active thyroid tend to have a low base metabolic rate. This is a leading cause of weight gain as the body can't burn fat quickly enough and the excess is stored. This can also cause dieters to gain weight as their metabolism drops when not eating...

What is gluten and why is it bad for some people?

What is gluten and why is it bad for some people?

Getting to grips with gluten can feel like a minefield, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with a gluten-related condition or you’re researching for a loved one, you’ve come to the right place to understand gluten proteins and...

Why do people experience dramatic weight loss while juice fasting?

Fasting implies abstaining. Juice fasting is a period when only fresh vegetable juices are taken as food. The usual experience is that the second day of the fast, the participant will remark as to how well they sleep and how well they feel. Their mind will be clear...

What does your blood say about your nutrition?

What does your blood say about your nutrition?

For thirty-five years, I've been saying just look at the ‘eat right for your blood type’ and to this day I still believe that it is the correct mind set to have on the subject, because it still carries more weight than eating a faddy diet - i.e. the pineapple diet;...

What causes Ulcerative Colitis?

Ulcerative Colitis is the most common type of inflammatory bowel disease. It is a disease of the large intestine which causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining. It affects the whole colon but commonly disturbs the sigmoid colon and rectum. This disease can affect...

Liver Cleansing

Health is fast becoming one of the most sold products on late night TV. Be it diet drinks, or a dangerously attractive six pack, it has evolved into a complete industry. The world has moved from the simple do it in front of TV exercise by Jane Fonda to complicated...

What are the common causes of liver cancer?

What are the common causes of liver cancer? Hepatitis B & C Alcohol-related liver disease Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver sickness & Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis Autoimmune Hepatitis Metabolic sicknesses such as Hemochromatosis, Wilson Sickness and Alpha-1...

What causes liver failure?

Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that requires hospital treatment. Most usually, liver failure develops over time. However a more rare occurrence is when you get an attack unexpectedly (in as little as forty eight hours) and may be difficult to diagnose...