The Dangers of Amalgam Tooth Fillings
Dental amalgam is used to repair cavities caused by tooth decay. It is a mix of around 50% mercury, with other metals including tin and silver. It has been used by dentists over the last 150 years. Dentists say it is the strongest, cheapest and longest-lasting filling...
Sugar Addiction
Sugar Addiction is the term describing dependence on sugar consumption. Your body can become dependent on increased sugar intake. We are all programmed to like sugar. Think about it. Have you ever heard of anyone not liking sugar, as opposed to staying off it for...
What is the food label really telling you?
Food labels are meant to make everything simple. Almost a traffic light of whether it is good for you (meaning you can have lots) or bad for you (meaning only in moderation). In theory it should give you enough information to make an informed decision. The problem is...
Alcohol and the liver
Have you ever wondered what alcohol does to your liver function? Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver in two main ways. Liver disease is the term used to describe damage to the liver and there are two types. Acute is where liver problems develop over a short...
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how a woman’s ovaries work. PCOS affects millions of women in the UK. The three main features of the condition are: Cysts that develop in your ovaries (polycystic ovaries) Your ovaries do not...
Why a liver detox is so important to your overall health
Every chemical that makes it into your bloodstream, from any direction (lungs, stomach, skin intake) meets up with your liver at some point. From there the toxins are separated out. Some of them are locked into the liver organ. Some of them are sent to the kidneys and...
The dangers of using tampons
Many women use tampons rather than other sanitary pads because they appear to be more absorbent, less conspicuous, and easier to carry around. But a lot of people are not aware of the dangers of using tampons. The biggest danger is Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This...
Colon Therapy
A gentle internal bath using warm purified Grander water, recommended for a wide range of health problems – Beechcroft is one of the only private practices who uses Grander water exclusively on the premises. Eliminates stored faecal matter, gas, mucus, and toxic...