Liver Cleansing

May 12, 2016

Health is fast becoming one of the most sold products on late night TV. Be it diet drinks, or a dangerously attractive six pack, it has evolved into a complete industry. The world has moved from the simple do it in front of TV exercise by Jane Fonda to complicated supplements and engineered products for every single muscle in the body. Flushing out excessive acids and byproducts from the liver is one of the easiest ways for living a healthy and balanced life. People adopt many methods that include advice from grandparents, which may or may not have the desired effect. However, at Beechcroft Retreats we have designed advanced methods to cleanse the liver with a special diet in a healthy and fun environment.

The retreat which can be accessed online here. Beechcroft Retreats offers different packages designed to meet your needs. The choices ranges from a 7 day liver cleanse. Keeping away from the usual junk food can be difficult in our day to day life, but at Beech Croft Retreats you will never have this problem as the whole place is designed to keep you happy while you detox your system.

The retreat not only offers the seven day package, but also has a weekend option for those who have a busy schedule and cannot take huge amounts of time off from their weekly routines. If you have enough time to come to Beechcroft Retreats, you can spend the weekend starting your new healthy life style. The retreat not only boasts an effective liver cleansing, but a variety of other healthy treatments such as weight loss packages in a beautiful, peaceful environment far exceeding the run of the mill weight reduction claiming gyms.

At Beechcroft Retreats, you will never have to worry about elevated stress levels as it is designed to calm your senses while helping you gain the best body shape of your life. Another popular package is the 10 day juice fast which helps you get rid of harmful toxins and plaque which helps the cleansing of the colon along with the liver. The retreat also has additional modalities which include blood group testing and live blood microscopy to show results of the detox, plus AromaTouch TM treatment, yoga classes and sharing the knowledge of healthy life style and liver/colon cleansing. So if you are on a quest for a healthy lifestyle, be assured that success won’t come in one day, but will have to be worked on step by step.

Go to our 7 Day Liver Detox page now and book your package.

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