This was Harry Massey’s (NES Health co-founder) question back in 2000. Harry was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome, which left him bed-ridden for more than 7 long years. He had tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach he could find, but nothing had provided lasting relief.
Then, as a result of his own research, he met a visionary scientific thinker named Peter Fraser. That was when everything changed. Peter was an acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years researching what he called the ‘human body-field’ and developing remedies based on this research. Harry volunteered to try them and, after an immediate response to the remedies, over the next two years was able to make a full recovery.
Peter and Harry began working together, combining Peter’s stunning research with Harry’s entrepreneurial skills and remarkable technological insights. They founded NES Health to develop practical applications based on this new understanding of the information and energy that make up the body-field.
Together they created the world’s first practical clinical system for ‘reading’ the body-field and then correcting it. Since then, we have continued to innovate new solutions and technologies, including the first-ever handheld healthcare device that allows healthcare practitioners to remove distortions in a client’s energy pathways and stimulate trigger points to bring the body back to its natural oscillations.