What is Kaqun?

May 6, 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Most of you know about the natural holistic healing work that I’ve been doing over many years, helping patients to regain their health and advising them on how best to maintain it. Most if not all of you will also know that helping my fellow human beings to achieve good health and well being is my deepest and most enduring passion.

It was this same commitment which guided me to become aware of the amazing work being done by Dr. Robert Lyons. He is the founder and CEO of the Kaqun Bath Therapy organisation.

Kaqun Oxygen Water Baths consist of a specially structured water with a high oxygen content which addresses degenerative states of illnesses in the body, (hypoxia). Having completed the Kaqun Therapy Training, experienced the baths and drinking the water, plus seeing the wide range of serious illnesses being reversed by Kaqun Water, I felt moved to do everything possible to incorporate the Kaqun Bath Therapy into our Beechcroft holistic healing centre. In fact, this would be a first step to bringing this therapy to the UK as a whole.

Therefore, it is for this reason that this email comes to you as a request for your help and support to enable me to achieve this goal, which needs funding in order for it to materialise. Please click here for more information; and thank you in anticipation of your support.

And please do take a bit of time to watch this very informative video on the Kaqun Water (use subtitles if its not showing).

And even more info here. Dr. Lyons interview: https://youtu.be/dATkmkDHLsE

Very Best of Health

Merlee Harris ND.

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