Why do people experience dramatic weight loss while juice fasting?

Jun 13, 2019

Fasting implies abstaining. Juice fasting is a period when only fresh vegetable juices are taken as food. The usual experience is that the second day of the fast, the participant will remark as to how well they sleep and how well they feel. Their mind will be clear and they will feel ‘younger’ than they have for years.

The “Hollywood Diet” uses bottled juices which are lacking the essential enzymes necessary for good nutrition. You would not want to stay on this diet for more than the recommended two days. Fresh vegetable juices, on the other hand, supply all of the vital resources necessary to sustain your body for a longer period of time.

Vegetable juice contains the nutrients. The fibre is the package that it comes in. You need not worry about not having enough dietary fibre. There is plenty of fibre left, as your bathroom experiences will testify. The big difference is that you get very large amounts of the nutrients which your body immediately utilises to provide energy, growth, and healing.

This process is so encouraging to your impoverished body that it immediately sets about the various healing processes that it has not been able to address because of the lack of nutritional resources.

As the metabolism increases and the number of calories is reduced from the diet that you had before with all of its fats, starches, and sugars, the body goes into its reserves for energy, your stored body fat.

Fortunately, the more overweight you are, the more energy is required to operate your system and the faster the excess fat is consumed as fuel.

For this therapy, you will need a vegetable juicer and a good source of supply for the many pounds of vegetables you will use every week.

The only tool you’ll ever need to enjoy freshly-made wholesome juices! If you’re not familiar with it, it’s called the juicer! As opposed to the blender, the juicer actually separates the juice from the fibre of fresh fruit and vegetables.

One of the pure benefits of owning a juicer is that you get to enjoy delicious wholesome fruit and vegetable juices made right in your home every day.

Approximately one cup of carrot juice is equivalent to four cups of raw, chopped carrots. The word ‘V8’ will never be the same again!

If you wish to get more information on which are the best juicers on the market speak to Merlee Harris by calling 01342 824 528.

What do you do with the pulp that is left in the juicer?

If it’s not organic, many say to throw it out. If it is organic, you can do what many people from the older generations used to do with it – make a soup broth from it. You can do this by putting the pulp in a saucepan and covering it with pure water. After simmering it slowly for 15 minutes, remove the pulp and use the broth as a soup base. If you’re on a juice fast, you can simply enjoy the broth as it is or add a few seasonings. Be careful not to add too much salt.

Will you regain the weight after a juice fast?

On the average, 5-7 of the pounds lost during a juice fast are fecal matter from the colon, depending on the number of juice fasting days. You’ll regain that after you begin eating solid foods. And as with any diet, you’ll regain weight if you return to the old-eating habits that caused you to become overweight to begin with.

The main benefit offered by a juice fast, to those who wish to lose weight, is the speed of the weight loss. But if that person returns to a nutrient-deprived self-engorged diet, he will regain every pound that he lost.

To enjoy the lasting weight-loss benefits of a juice fast, one must adopt a healthier eating lifestyle.

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